Zephyr of words!

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up..Thats the problem i am trying to solve..

Location: Houston, Texas, United States


Monday, May 18, 2009

Do I need to Stick to StickK.com?

  Nahh..I won’t do this today… I still have a week, before being stalked by the deadline..its just gonno take an hour for it to be done tomorrow.. If its just gonno take an hour for me to do it tomorrow, then why not put that hour in today and finish that job. Thats easier said than done I guess. So much for the influence of procrastination.. This is how the dictionary defines Procrastination: To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness; To postpone or delay needlessly. Yes that’s what all this about.

 Sometimes I feel that I had mercilessly succumbed to the spell of procrastination. One of my worst cases of procrastination was that I had put off sending out my wedding invitations until a couple of weeks before my wedding. Now for the recuperation time.. I was reading about procrastination just on the curious note if it was just me or is it the general framework of the complex human mind. Research states that about 95% percent of the people procrastinate and interestingly, scientists explain procrastination with a mathematical equation. University of Calgary professor Piers Steel, says that procrastination is linked to three human traits, namely, the person's confidence, his values and impulsiveness (how susceptible is he or she to immediate delight). He had derived a mathematical equation to describe the procrastination in terms of these three parameters. Just to avoid complicating my blog with equations, the equation can be found here http://news.cnet.com/A-formula-for-procrastination/2100-1008_3-6149636.html. and it had taken a good whole ten years to come up with this equation!. 

And how about the ways to avoid procrastination, research suggests that the effective way to overcome procrastination is to make it an expensive affair. Based on this idea,  StickK.com was founded by Yale University economics professor Dean Karlan and his colleagues. This webiste helps people avoid procrastination and fulfill their goals by betting their own money. Yes, if one doesn’t complete his or her self-described objectives, they lose the money. And what if you loose your money by procrastinating? The brighter side is win-win situation : the money that one looses would be given off for charity! It does work!!



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